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Stem Cell Testing

According to the Stem Cell the Magazine, finally, Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine treatments are available, and this consumer guide has everything you need to know if you’re interested in using regenerative therapies to heal your body from chronic joint and health conditions. Advancements in regenerative therapy have given us the ability to regenerate human tissue like bone, ligaments, cartilage, nerve tissue, fat tissue, and liver tissue.

Most people have the misconception that the only stem cell therapy available is embryonic therapy and this couldn’t be further from the truth. Embryonic stem cell therapy is not allowed in the United States because of the ethical and moral issues, but there are some countries across the world that may still perform those therapies.

Back in 1975 oncologists began an era of using bone marrow transplants, or bone marrow stem cells, to treat leukemia patients. Bone marrow was taken from the iliac crest (hip area) and processed into stem cells before being injected back into the patients to boost the immune system and successfully cure lymphoma. These therapies have been saving and improving lives for a while, and now they are available to you.

“Stem cells have “raw potential” which means they can become any other tissue or organ in the body.”

The 5 Different Types of Regenerative Therapies

(which are the most cost-effective):
There are five regenerative treatment therapies we will focus on in this guide.

All of these procedures have been around for about 20 years but have only recently become increasingly popular and more easily accessible. Stem cells have “raw potential” which means they can become any other tissue or organ in the body. Each of these treatments harnesses the regenerative power of stem cells to repair and replace damaged cells:

  • Live Cord Tissue/Blood-Derived Stem Cells
  • Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy
  • Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
  • Amniotic Cell Therapy

Mesenchymal stem cells are the prototypical adult stem cell. They have a high potential for self-renewal, are highly adaptive and have a broad tissue distribution.

Live Cord Tissue/Blood-Derived Stem Cells

Live cord tissue and live cord blood are taken from donated umbilical cord tissue.

Like amniotic fluid, it’s donated from mothers who have cesarean sections. Live cord tissue and cord blood contain live stem cells. Patients opting for this treatment get the benefits of both stem cell regenerative properties and growth factors in one procedure.

Laboratories that process live cord tissue and cord blood samples follow the same strict guidelines as amniotic fluid extraction and must follow careful regulation before a sample can be cleared for distribution. Remember, technicians take crucial care to ensure none of the samples contain antigens, so there is no risk in using these cells.

Without the presence of antigens, there is no risk of infection or rejection side effects from the treatment. When considering other treatment methods for joint conditions like knee replacements where mortality risk is 1 in 400 and 15 to 20 thousand deaths from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory meds, amniotic fluid, and live cord tissue stem cell treatment is a far safer option for patients.

Any medical practice administering amniotic fluid or live cord tissue stem cell treatments are required by law to report any adverse reactions to the procedure, and as of today, no adverse reactions have ever been reported in the history of the treatment use.

Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Therapy

After the astonishing success of bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy in cancer treatment during the ’70s and ’80s, researchers began to explore the effectiveness of stem cells in orthopedic treatment. They began to use bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy to repair and replace ligaments and cartilage with high rates of success, and bone marrow-derived stem cells became widely accepted as a successful way to reform cartilage tissue. The downside of bone marrow-derived stem cells is the limited number of doctors who elect to use the treatment. Bone marrow extraction is an invasive procedure that requires a surgical procedure done in a hospital or a surgical center.

The procedure is complicated and can leave patients sore for a short time after the extraction. Another challenge to using bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy is that although bone marrow extractions are highly dense with stem cells, they don’t contain a high amount of mesenchymal stem cells.

The bone marrow-derived stem cells for these treatments come from you. These are your own stem cells being repurposed and directed into the areas that need repair. Because the treatment is done with cells from your body, the threshold for infection or rejection is minimal to non-existent. These stem cells are not only proficient at forming cartilage tissues, but they are also used in the treatment of neurological conditions, respiratory conditions, metabolic conditions and a wide range of chronic and autoimmune diseases. This invasive procedure usually ranges anywhere from $15-20k for one large joint.

Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

Adipose-derived stem cells come right from fat in your own body. These cells are collected through a liposuction procedure where your doctor extracts fat and processes stem cells from the sample. The technique is performed in a lab, and your fat cells are separated from valuable stem cells. The entire procedure is straightforward and takes about 2-3 hours to complete. Like bone marrow, fat cells are a store cache of your body’s stem cells.

As you age, the amount of stem cells in storage begins to decrease, and this can affect the quality and density of the stem cells obtainable with an extraction. Some doctors prefer to use platelet-rich plasma treatments (PRP), amniotic fluid and cord blood stem cell treatments for older patients because of the decreasing amounts of stem cells in fat and bone marrow.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a regenerative treatment. PRP is rich in cytokines and growth factors and is commonly used in combination with the stem cell treatments described above. Platelets make up 1% of the total blood volume.
When you cut yourself, these platelets rush to the area to seal it with a scab and begin to create new tissue for the healing process. PRP also contains a high level of growth factors and cytokines that facilitate the healing process and supports immune functions. PRP doesn’t have any stem cells so it can regrow any new cartilage or ligaments.

PRP promotes healing and is also great for tears and inflammation. PRP has been successful in treating meniscus tears and rotator cuff tears with great results.

The platelet-rich plasma therapy can be completed in about 90 minutes to 2 hours. Your doctor will take a routine blood draw and use a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the blood. The plasma is then injected back into the patient. This minimally invasive treatment is the most moderately priced of all of the regenerative treatments at $700-1200 and is highly effective.

“PRP also contains a high level of growth factors and cytokines that facilitate the healing process and supports immune functions.”

Amniotic Cell Therapy

Cells for amniotic cell therapy is derived from amniotic fluid obtained after cesarean sections. About 32% of births in the United States are done by C-section and cells are extracted from the tissue donated from the mother. FDA regulated labs take this tissue and process it for cells for the treatment abiding by strict regulations and guidelines.

There is a barrier between mother and child during gestation and on the mother’s, the side is something called chorionic tissue which contains antigens that could produce an immune response if used for cell therapy. These highly skilled laboratories ensure that no chorionic tissue is included in the cell extraction and only antigen-free amniotic tissue is used. Amniotic cells are responsible for growing a baby, so they are rich in growth factors. Amniotic cell therapy is like a super-charged PRP injection with a higher potency of cytokines.

Amniotic fluid doesn’t contain any stem cells. When tissue is extracted, it’s processed and frozen cryogenically for distribution. There is some misinformation available that claims there are stem cells in amniotic fluid but no live stem cells are present after this process. Amniotic fluid is dense in growth factors and cytokines and is a relatively inexpensive regenerative treatment. This treatment is perfect for older patients who have a lower chance of harvesting an effective amount of stem cells through bone marrow or adipose extraction and has a high success rate with joint healing.

“Amniotic fluid is dense in growth factors and cytokines and is a relatively inexpensive regenerative treatment.”

These five regenerative treatment procedures are truly groundbreaking advancements for many people who are desperately searching for alternative options to medication dependency and surgery. After the successful results in the treatment of joint conditions, systemic metabolic conditions, respiratory conditions, and overall health, they are sure to continue to increase in popularity.

DNA Testing

The DNA test is able to read more than 20k genes all related to nutrition using proprietary software from Professor Bob Miller, one of the greatest experts in this area together with Rutgers University developed this unique technology and software to help the understanding of a person unique characteristics from the person DNA related to nutrition.
On completing the purchase of your kit, we will send you all the information you will need including the DNA test kit.  Once you have sent your DNA sample off, you will need to call us to arrange a discussion of your results and what it means for you. This consult should be between 4-6 weeks of returning your sample.

You Can Find Out How Your Genes May Be Affecting Your Body

The kitchen of the future, says one leading scientist, is likely to be equipped with dispensers to deliver your personalized prescription of nutritional supplements.

A daily dose might be squirted into your morning coffee. Or perhaps, says Jeffrey Blumberg, professor of nutrition science and policy at Tufts University in Massachusetts: “A 3D printer will include the nutrients you need in a bespoke piece of chocolate in your favorite shape.”

Genetic science is already taking us closer to a healthcare model aimed at preventing disease based on individual propensities, rather than waiting to treat symptoms. John Hesketh, a molecular biologist at the University of Newcastle medical school, has referred to personalized nutrition as the holy grail of healthcare. “It would be preferable to tailor treatment to the individual, rather than to a group or just the population generally,” he says.

The NHS Genetics Education website(aimed at NHS staff) agrees: “In the future … we may be able to recommend a diet rich in foods that contain a particular nutrient that acts by ‘switching off’ a gene that contributes to the development of specific chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease …”

Take gut bacteria, for instance. Nutrigenetics can tell you if you don’t produce lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are lactose-intolerant. “Some people who don’t produce lactase can consume milk because their gut bacteria will ferment lactose,” says Kevin Whelan, professor of dietetics at King’s College, London.

Another benefit regarding DNA nutrition could be motivational. “If you have that more passionate approach of thinking: ‘This is what comes out of my genes’, you might stick to a healthier diet.”

In many cases, your ability to lose weight depends greatly on your genetic makeup. This non-invasive cheek swab test will unlock answers to some of the most important questions: how does your body respond to certain foods and exercise?

This test will reveal which foods you should be eating, and what types of exercise you should be focusing on to enhance weight loss abilities.

Get to Know Your DNA!

Did you know that your health and energy issues may be due to secrets hiding in your genes? DNA nutrition is a leading naturopathic practice integrating this new scientific approach to optimizing wellness through nutrition based on your unique DNA make-up.

A New Approach to Wellness

One of our specialties is nutritional genetic testing and individualized support. By employing scientific studies, our research team is on the cutting edge of gene research.
Now through genetic saliva testing, we can measure your ability to make and use enzymes that are critical components of your health. When in balance, these enzymes can control free radicals, clear environmental toxins, keep your cells healthy, and rebuild new cells effectively. As a result, you may look and feel younger, have more energy and remain healthy and vibrant as you age.

Harnessing Your DNA for Optimal Health

If you’ve been searching for answers to build your health, testing your DNA should be the next step. We utilize the kit and results to interpret your DNA with proprietary software, developed by our very own certified traditional naturopath partner Bob Miller.

The test is simple to do. You just complete the form, fill the provided tube with your saliva, mail the kit, and then receive a personalized report with online access to your genetic data, as well as an ancestry report. Then our natural health practitioners can help you understand your DNA test results and what they could mean to your health.
In a private, one-hour consultation with one of our practitioners …in person or on a phone or video conference, you’ll receive a Genetic Variant Nutritional Assessment report from this software that analyzes your raw data plus recommendations for a custom nutritional protocol based on your unique genetics. This protocol will supplement your missing nutrients and antioxidants or use nutrients to aid in the production of needed enzymes to ultimately reduce damaging oxidants and support healthy cells. We also may make other recommendations that could include dietary changes and/or suggested detoxification therapies.
We’ll follow up with you to monitor your progress and make changes as needed. It is often necessary to go through different phases of nutritional support until we get to a maintenance protocol. The goal is to resolve immediate issues and then start a maintenance program that supports your nutritional health needs.


Nutrigenomics ('Nutri-gen-oh-mics') is the study of how individual genetic variation affects a person's response to nutrients and impacts the risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases.

Nutrigenomics is a branch of nutritional genomics and is the study of the effects of foods and food constituents on gene expression. It is a field of research focusing on identifying and understanding molecular-level interaction between nutrients and other dietary bioactive with the genome.

This is a term you will be hearing of more and more over time. Advances in genetics have opened a whole area of science dedicated to isolating individual genes and genetic variations and studying nutrients and other dietary factors that influence the expression of your genes.

Further, variations in your genes can impact the way your body utilizes specific nutrients, eg. having a higher requirement for folate or can increase certain health risks eg. caffeine and heart attacks. We can now use your DNA to design an even more individualized treatment plan.
Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are defined as the science of the effect of genetic variation on dietary response and the role of nutrients and bioactive food compounds in gene expression, respectively [1,2,3,4,5,6].

The fundamental hypotheses underpinning the science of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are the following:

  • Nutrition may exert its impact on health outcomes by directly affecting the expression of genes in critical metabolic pathways and/or indirectly by affecting the incidence of genetic mutation at the base sequence or chromosomal level which in turn causes alterations in gene dosage and gene expression.
  • The health effects of nutrients and nutriomes (nutrient combinations) depend on inherited genetic variants that alter the uptake and metabolism of nutrients and/or the molecular interaction of enzymes with their nutrient cofactor and hence the activity of biochemical reactions.
  • Better health outcomes can be achieved if nutritional requirements are customized for each individual taking into consideration both his/her inherited and acquired genetic characteristics depending on life stage, dietary preferences and health status.

Genetics 101

Thanks to new technological advances, a simple saliva test today can measure 602,000 pieces of your DNA. This is an important development! Everyone has some level of genetic variation in their DNA…it’s not just a rare occurrence. Since variants can impact your ability to make and use different nutrients, everyone is susceptible in their own unique way.

Gaps in your DNA can impact:

  • Digestion
  • Detoxification
  • Gluten tolerance
  • Lactose tolerance
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Mitochondrial function
  • Free radical production/ premature aging
  • Master antioxidant production

Future of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics and Implications for Nutritional Recommendations and Dietetic Practice

It is becoming increasingly evident that nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are taking a central stage in the investigation of the effect of nutrition on health outcomes, and that impacts of nutrients can be evaluated comprehensively by a multitude of ‘omic’ technologies and biomarkers.

That genetic background, gender, and life stage can have an impact on nutritional requirements are becoming increasingly evident; however, translation of this knowledge into recommendations based on genotype or at the individual level.

It is not only naïve but also likely dangerous, to assume all individuals will respond identically to the foods they consume. The development of a personalizing approach to nutrition for disease prevention and therapy will require a much more comprehensive understanding of nutrient-gene interactions and their impact on phenotype in order to identify, evaluate, and prioritize appropriately targeted strategies for dietary intervention.

While the challenges associated with unraveling the nutrigenomic-disease inter-relationship will not be easy, the public health implications are enormous.

Genetic Nutrition Analysis Advantages

Genetic Nutrition Analysis is personalized nutrition by offering DNA saliva test kits, comprehensive genomic reports.

The advancement in DNA testing and measuring not only helps you learn about your ancestry but also has supported the emergence of a new scientific approach to wellness. Once thought to be rare, everyone has some level of genetic variation in their DNA.

This genetic variation may impact your ability to make and use different nutrients critical for digestion, detoxification, tolerance to gluten, blood sugar regulation, mitochondrial function, free radical production/premature aging, master antioxidant production and much more.

Why do these variations occur? Genes are passed from parent to child with each and every cell containing a set of genetic instructions. When an existing cell divides to make a new cell, it copies its set of genetic instructions. However, sometimes these instructions are copied incorrectly, like a typo, which leads to variations in the DNA sequence. This is called a single nucleotide polymorphism or SNP (pronounced “snip”).

What does this mean to me and my health? Most SNPs do not cause any observable differences. But the location and total number of SNPs a person has may influence their susceptibility to health issues or impact how they react to certain drugs or even specific foods. By employing scientific studies, our research team is on the cutting edge of gene research. Our researchers have implicated the presence of free radicals and oxidative stress as the root cause of health challenges. Your body naturally produces all of these agents, but genetic variations can cause you to have too much of them.

When out of balance, they can cause cellular damage, inflammation and the formation of toxins, leading to slower rebuilding and repair of cells and ultimately faster aging. To compensate for these free radicals, your body makes antioxidants to rebuild and repair damaged cells. But your inherited genetic issues may inhibit you from making enough antioxidants, cause you to produce too many oxidants, and suppress your ability to support cell repair, which can negatively impact your health.

If you are interested in learning more about your own unique DNA and let us know.

Personalized Nutrition

Now you can eat a healthy diet best suited to your genetic makeup, your metabolism, and your lifestyle. Turn DNA insights into easy-to-make food decisions for balanced meals that make your body happy.

What you'll get:

  • Your genetics profile - Learn how your genetics affect your weight loss, fitness, nutrition, tastes, and food sensitivities.
  • Actionable recommendations - Tracking DNA nutrigenetics! This allows you to put your learnings into action.

Some companies around the world test only a few genes. These gene tests consist of a panel of seven genetic markers that enable your healthcare professional to provide you with personalized nutritional recommendations based on your DNA.

These tests, for example, can help to determine how your body responds to vitamin C, folate, whole grains, omega-3 fats, saturated fat, sodium, and caffeine.

Biography of Dr. Borges

Dr. Marcus Borges, married with Dr. Andrea - has with 3 children; holds a Medical degree from Brazil, Ob/Gyn residency, MBA in Health Administration and a Post-doctoral training at UMDNJ, Board Certified in Natural Medicine and has more than 20 years of professional experience which comprises a strong background in traditional and holistic medical practice and natural complementary medicine.
He is fluent in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, and has a good knowledge of German.

On top of all scientific qualifications as an Assistant Research in Germany/World Health Organization, Marcus has experienced executive positions, such as technical director in secondary level hospitals, in health insurance corporation and he was the medical manager and director for many famous pharma companies in Latin America.

Maintaining a comprehensive understanding of pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices for a naturopath, holistic medicine, fertility, endocrinology, and neurology.

An accomplished leader with a propensity for consistently delivering results exceeding expectations, Marcus is a broad-based practitioner and Board-Certified Doctor in Natural Medicine by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) and member of the American Naturopath Medical Association.

He is a Naturopath Practitioner in the USA and a member of the Registration of Naturopathic Diplomates (RND)/National Registry of Naturopathic Practitioners. (Register as a: Naturopath). Registration # RND 20007248. He also received in 2019 the Highest Achievement Award from ANMA. In pursuing excellence, Marcus is now a member of ACHE (American College of Healthcare Executives) and the Utah Healthcare Executives among other fourteen recognized professional societies.


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